Relocation/Work/Life - Evolved

3 Key Trends To Notice, Embrace,
and Adopt in 2024

Relocation, Evolved.

Welcome 2024 and the Relocation Regenesis.

We’re here to reimagine relocation, yes, but we’re also looking to breathe new life into global mobility and have some fun with fellow unicorn thinkers on the Future of Work, co-creating the path forward by reaching beyond the limits of our own industry. 

What we hope to achieve over the course of the year, is to learn and lead with other change-makers to propel betterment for ourselves and the people we interact with everyday. 

Feeling Inspired to Co-Create a Relocation Regenesis?

HR, Global Mobility, and Business Leaders: The way we see it, change is the only constant in life. Let’s embark on a renewal of why we do what we do to help humans thrive in life and in work. 

In recent times, we’ve seen opportunities to evolve the relocation industry emerge as pivotal moments of socio-economic disruption unfold. 

The Burning Question: Did we seize the opportunity to innovate, or did the global mobility industry get left behind?

Download the full trend paper below.

We may not have entirely flipped the industry on its head just yet, but there are moments of clarity starting to show up; the understanding that change is inevitable and required to stay relevant. 

3 Key Trends To Notice, Embrace, and Adopt in 2024

1. Gen Z Cultural Mirroring: Societal patterns act as lightrays, bouncing off one another to reflect back who we are and what we value. From language to colours, each year our trend set and cultural vibration radiates out the frequency we’re collectively feeling - and Gen Z’s influence may have the most reflective cultural mirror of them all. 

Our Take: 

  • Gen Z is here and making huge waves not only on the future of work, but life as we know it. Do your company values align with what the next generation of talent values?

2. Generative AI + Human Touch: There’s no stopping the acceleration of generative AI yet, what we find most compelling is that this technology is advancing with the acceptance that a human touch is still a crucial component to its adoption and success.

Our Take:

  • AI + AI-Augmented Workers = an open door for flexible relocation strategies to attract and retain talent and upskilling in a global landscape. 

3. Personalization & Experience Matter: From retail to enterprise organisations, companies are doubling down on curated experience to gain customer loyalty, satisfaction, and market share. 

Our Take: 

  • Picking up cues from the retail and consumer goods industries -  get up close and personal in your offerings. 

The path forward is in front of us, 2024 is a year to thrive off of change.

As we shift into regenesis mode in 2024, we’re eager to co-create a launch-pad for people to not only be seen, heard, and listened to - but to unleash their potential to thrive and live well.  

Stay tuned here on the From Seed to Sprout Blog as we highlight the co-creators adding new thoughts, vibrancy, and flavour to relocation, re-imagined dialogue.   

It’s a new dawn, a new day, and we’re feeling good about 2024.

Happy New Year!


Learn More About The Relocation Regenesis


Sproutify Sessions: Hello, Pivt!


Lessons of 2023…